If you want to construct an outdoor basketball court for recreational or professional purposes, flooring plays a crucial role. It will not only enhance the look of your court but also provide a sturdy base for the players. However, it is important to choose the flooring wisely. The flooring you choose depends on what kind of sport you want to play in the court and for what purpose.


Let’s have a look at some factors which should be considered before choosing outdoor basketball court flooring:

Know your requirements:

The foremost step before buying flooring material is to analyze your requirements. You should have a clear idea about the space in which basketball court has to be built. Budget is another important factor which should be considered. Make sure you choose the option which lies within your budget.

Material is important:

You can choose flooring made up of polypropylene if you want to provide an increased comfort level to the players. This plastic is impact resistant, chemical resistant and retains the color without any fading effect. Players feel more comfortable while running, jumping etc. as the material is shock resistant. Another advantage of using this material is that it is available in a wide range of colors. Wood flooring is generally used in indoor play areas such as gyms etc. Its main advantage is that it can be stained and painted according to your requirements.

Outdoor flooring can also be made from asphalts. The material is known for its strength and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions. But this material can develop cracks and even break down with time. This can further cause sports injuries.

These were some of the factors which should be considered before choosing the outdoor basketball court flooring.

If you are looking for outdoor basketball court flooring in Houston, Sportscapers Construction Inc. can help you. We will scrutinize your requirements and help you choose the most suitable flooring option for your outdoor basketball court.

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